London Acting Coach

My desire as a coach is to enable the actors I work with to develop their craft and practice and sense of play in the environments of stage, screen, vocal booth, Mocap volume and for self-tapes and auditions. 

The 4C core values I work with are: 

Compassion: The experience around acting might be subjective, but working with other actors, creative and techical professionals is essential to that experience and so compassion towards oneself and those one works with I believe opens up that experience exponentially. 

Curiosity: a key to developing the world of play around the art form. An openness to exploring a text, scenarios a space and oneself I believe grounds the actor in the imaginary worlds they live truthfully in. 

Connectedness: like compassion being able to connect with others and yourself will enable you to connect with the piece of work you are involved in or working on. 

Clarity: to be clear about one’s outcomes and intentions marries with all the above qualities and to find courage in your own instincts and being clear about them and what your objective is will again further impact your experience as an actor. 

My experience as an acting coach has developed over a period of a decade, where I started working with children in schools up to now where I have spent the last 7 years working with actors of all ages and at many stages of experience with their self-tapes and auditions. 

I have worked as a director on short films and as a voice director on a number of different video game titles namely Baldur’s Gate 3 and Eiyudon Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. 

I look forward to working with you on your next project. Please drop me an email or give me a call and let’s see if we can help you build on your talents and abilities. 

For an hour session: £75 

Which includes a pre examination of self-tapes and work you have done before and then either and online session of an hour or in person session at my studio in West London. 

For a 2 hour session: £130 

Which includes the above and if you need a self-tape at the same time, then my studio space and editing is included. 

External 1 day session: £450 

I can be supporting you for a whole day on set or workshop with you on a text for any type pf production.  

Please head to my booking page here to arrange an appointment.